Gary Bonn


Gary Bonn

Gary Bonn

Young Adult, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Humor

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    Jan 2016

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    United Kingdom

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An enslaved Hottentot or Bushman Hunter-Gatherer was asked by a white man, 'What do you miss most from your life before slavery?'
He replied 'Stories.'
Listen to this - he said, 'A Story is like the wind. It comes from a far off place, and we feel it'.

What did the slave mean? Given the way Hunter-Gatherers live, a far off place could be a day's walk away, or a place never to be seen. A story can take you to either.

What are stories? Who cares ... other than that they are how we communicate so many things.

Christy and I want you to feel far off places, more, we want to take you to them. When you go to a far off place, you can look back at your home and see it, and yourself in new ways.

We transport you through fantasy, humour, science fiction, speculative fiction and other genres. Yes! we want to whisk you away to new places and, unlike a package holiday, put you in new bodies and give you different personalities and circumstances.

Fiction is a powerful tool - it can do these things.

We love writing in a variety of genres because we reach more people that way. Action adventure, fantasy, humour, science fiction, speculative ... can all take readers far from their sofas (sofas are really good for both writing and reading), and take them into far off places.

We're deeply indebted to the slave that said those words. Such clarity and brevity only come in the best vision and poetry.

Gary Bonn Books

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